Friday, March 20, 2009

1. A blog: Is a website where we can post different new like a journal.
Blogging: When we write a post.
Blogger: That's the name given to a person who writes on a blog.
Blogosphere: All the persons who joins blogs or writes on a blog.

Describe in no more that 15 words the world before blogs.
Before the internet it was used jut as a tool to search information

What year the blogs started? late 1990s

4. How many blogs are today? there are over 100 million blogs

Describe in no more that 15 words the the future of blogs. blogging will become even more powerful in the future with more people and businesses recognizing the power of bloggers as online influencers.

6. Read the "Before You Start a Blog Determine if Blogging is Right for You" and "Essential Requirements to Starting a Successful Blog" links, to determine if you meet at least half + 1 of the conditions and requirements to know if blogs are for you, if the answer is YES, give at least 1 personal reason, if your answer is NO give at least 1 personal reason. Yes, because my blog is about us and our senior life and all the stuffs we have done so far.

7. Read the "Top 10 Reasons to Start a Blog" link, then organize the reasons starting from the most important, in no more than 30 words state why did you specify that organization., e.g: The organization must be 1)4, 2)6, 3)7, 4)2,.................. because ............................

1. To Express Your Thoughts and Opinions

You have something to say, and blogs provide a place to say it and be heard.

2. To Have Fun and Be Creative

Many people start a blog simply for fun. Perhaps a blogger is a fan of a particular actor or loves knitting and wants to share that passion through a blog. One of the most important keys to successful blogging is having a passion about your blog's topic, so you can write prolifically about it. Some of the best and most interesting blogs started out as blogs that were written just for fun and to give the blogger a creative outlet.

3. To Stay Connected with Friends and Family

The world has shrunk since the Internet has become more accessible. Blogs provide a simple way for family and friends to stay connected from different parts of the world by sharing stories, photos, videos and more.

4. To Help People

Many blogs are written to help people who may be going through similar situations that the blogger has experienced. Many parenting and health-related blogs are written for this purpose.

5. To Connect with People Like You

Blogging brings like-minded people together. Starting a blog can help you find those people and share your opinions and thoughts.

6. To Make a Difference

Many blogs are issue-based meaning the blogger is trying to provide information to sway people's thinking in a certain direction. Many political blogs and social issues blogs are written by bloggers who are trying to make a difference in their own ways.

7. To Stay Active or Knowledgeable in a Field or Topic

Since successful blogging is partially dependent on posting frequency and providing updated, fresh information, it's a perfect way to help a blogger stay abreast of the events in a specific field or topic.

8. To Make Money

It's important to point out that most bloggers don't make a lot of money blogging, but the potential does exist to generate revenue from your blog with hard work and commitment. There are many bloggers who bring in big bucks. With patience and practice, you can make money through advertising and other income-generating activities on your blog.

9. To Establish Yourself as an Expert

Blogs are wonderful tools to help bloggers establish themselves as experts in a field or topic. For example, if you're trying to get a job in a specific field or hoping to publish a book on a specific topic, blogging can help legitimize your expertise and expand your online presence and platform.

10. To Stay Active or Knowledgeable in a Field or Topic

Since successful blogging is partially dependent on posting frequency and providing updated, fresh information, it's a perfect way to help a blogger stay abreast of the events in a specific field or topic.
I did it in that order because for me are the main reasons to create a blog.

8) Let's say you have to start a project or main homework in other subjects (science, maths, etc) so you are going to complete it using the Blogs technology, using the "Top ten Tips for Begginers Blogger" link state what would be your blog features. Example:
  • 1) Define Goals: My goals would be to help people by blogs
  • 2) Define Audience: My audience will be young people
  • 3) Consistent: I'm going to apply the consistent concept by doing posts
  • etc, etc (10 tips) check everyday my blog.
9) Based on question 8 and by reading the "Blog Posting Frequency Overview" link, what would your post frequency for your project?
2 times per week.

10) Read the "
Overview of a Blog Post" link and in no more than 20 words state what would be the main elements or parts you have to include in your posts? i would include subjects importants for my audience and tips that may help them in any problem.

11) Read the "5 Blog Post Idea Generator" link, explain the "Bloggers Block" concept. they block any blogger.

12) Again, based on the "
5 Blog Post Idea Generator" link, state 1 more idea (different that the ones stated in the link) and explain it.
post fun and differents things.

13) Read the "5 Tips to Choosing and Blog Topic" link and based on the information what topic would you like to share and discuss with other people?
i would discuss about the frequents problem in young people.

14) Read the "5 Tips to Write Blog Posts" link and make a summary in no more than 30 words about how are you going to apply the tips stated in this link. You have to write about something that you are really passionate about cor something interesting for your audiece.

15) Read the "Create Your Blog's Home Page" and state why the Home Page is so important in your blog? because is the first thing that your audience will see so it's important a good impresion so in that way they will be interested in your blog

16) Read the "How to Write About Me Page for Your blog" link and explain if the suggestions are acceptable for you?, yes or no, and state 1 reason at least to explain your answer. Yes, because is about things which you can talk about

Monday, February 9, 2009

well my favorite hobbies is to use the computer and watch tv and one of my favorite show of tv is "The Hills"! It's one of the best shows ever i just love to watch it!

I also love to listen music, I listen any kind of music but specially I listen Hip-Hop, R&B, Reggaeton & Romantic music :)!

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Mini Biography

Who Are You? Monica Chavarria...I live in San Salvador
Where do you study? I study at Escuela Panamericana
Your Hobbies? I Love To Dance, Watch Movies and Go Out With My Friends!
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